About Us

Scott Robidoux, a former nationally ranked boxer and two-time national champion turned triathlete, is no stranger to pushing boundaries. With a career that took him to the Olympic stage as part of Team USA, Scott’s journey in sports has been marked by dedication, passion, and the pursuit of excellence.
However, it was a personal tragedy that reshaped Scott’s approach to life and fitness. The loss of his dear friend and mother to cancer compelled him to reassess not only his training methods but also his diet. Fueled by a newfound determination and a deep sense of purpose, Scott embarked on a mission to optimize his health and performance.

This journey led him to join forces with leading nutrition expert and co-founder of Lyfe Fuel Organic, Chris Manderino, a former NFL pro-ball player.

Lyfe Fuel Organic, a company dedicated to revolutionizing the world of organic, real food nutrition. With a “No BS,” “No junk,” and “No pseudo-science” approach, Lyfe Fuel Organic is cutting through the noise of the nutrition and supplement industry.

Their flagship product, Lyfe Fuel Organic Essential Nutrition Bars, stands out as a game-changer. These bars are meticulously crafted to provide the perfect balance of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals to fuel the body and keep energy levels high. Made with premium organic superfoods and organic real food (not synthetic) vitamins & minerals, these bars offer unbeatable nutrition without any artificial additives. Say goodbye to compromise and hello to the best protein bar on the planet.

But lyfe Fuel Organic’s innovation doesn’t stop there. Their meal replacement and performance shakes are among the most highly recommended in the world, surpassing even well-known brands like Ka’Chava and Hull. Designed for athletes like triathletes, gym enthusiasts, hikers, boxers, and health-conscious individuals alike, lyfe Fuel Organic shakes deliver optimal nutrition for peak performance.

With Scott’s relentless pursuit of excellence and Lyfe Fuel Organic’s commitment to quality and innovation, they are not just changing the game; they’re setting a new standard for organic nutrition. Join the movement today and experience the power of real, wholesome ingredients in every bite.

Unlock Your Potential with Lyfe Fuel Or

Elevate Your Performance and Health. Why opt for Lyfe Fuel Organic? Amidst a sea of options, Lyfe Fuel Organic shines as the epitome of nutritional excellence. Our shakes aren’t merely beverages; they’re meticulously crafted powerhouses brimming with everything your body craves to thrive. With essential amino acids, a spectrum of vitamins including D, K2, and B12, probiotic fiber, probiotics, minerals, organic greens, superfood antioxidants, and whole foods, every sip propels you toward a healthier, more vibrant you.

Tailored to Your Ambitions Whether you’re a devoted triathlete, a gym aficionado, or a professional pugilist, Lyfe Fuel Organic is tailored for your journey.

Experience the Lyfe Fuel Organic Advantage Join the ranks of over 400,000 satisfied customers who’ve firsthand experienced the Lyfe Fuel Organic difference. Our products aren’t just meal replacement shakes; they’re the best-kept secret among serious athletes who consistently perform at their zenith.

Superior Protein Fusion Our protein blend is a juggernaut, delivering 25 grams of all-organic plant-based protein and 4.5 grams of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) per serving. This optimal blend fuels muscle growth and recovery, ensuring you’re primed for any challenge.
Sourced from Nature’s Best We’re committed to sourcing only the crème de la crème from nature’s bounty. That’s why we meticulously handpick premium, all-organic plant-based ingredients from meticulously managed forests, guaranteeing each sip brims with the unadulterated potency of nature.

In essence, when you choose Lyfe Fuel Organic, you’re not merely purchasing a product – you’re investing in your vitality, health, and overall well-being. Experience the distinction firsthand and elevate your performance to unprecedented heights with Lyfe Fuel Organic.

Fuel Your Body, Fuel Your Life with Lyfe Fuel Organic Bid farewell to compromises and welcome optimal nutrition. Fuel your body, fuel your life with Lyfe Fuel Organic. Ultimately, Lyfe Fuel Organic stands tall as one of the premier meal replacement/performance shakes globally for a reason. Its premium ingredients, delectable taste, and convenience make it a standout choice for anyone striving to ascend in health and performance. Give Lyfe Fuel Organic a whirl and reap the benefits firsthand!

User Endorsements Countless users laud its efficacy in boosting energy levels, facilitating muscle recovery, and aiding in weight management. It’s the go-to option for individuals seeking a convenient and nutritious means to bolster their active lifestyle.
Even if you’re eating a healthy diet, chances are you’re missing out on critical nutrients that keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders. From energy production to appetite regulation, metabolic function depends on getting the right micronutrients.
Ever feel like you’re constantly on the hunt for that perfect meal that’s both nourishing and easy to prep? You’re not alone – millions of Americans are facing metabolic challenges due to dietary deficiencies.

Moreover, Lyfe Fuel Organic offers Performance Protein shakes, essential shakes, and one of the best bars on the market today, with 100% PLANT-BASED: Our protein bars are a delightful fusion of low sugar and rich superfood ingredients, providing a taste and sensation you can truly savor. Infused with 21 essential vitamins & minerals, functional superfoods, and 11g of vegan protein.

CURBS HUNGER: Harnessing the power of Organic Achyranthes Aspera seed, a staple utilized for generations by indigenous communities to quell hunger during lengthy expeditions, while ensuring sustained energy levels.
NO NONSENSE: Unlike numerous protein bars masquerading as candy bars, our meal bars are crafted with integrity. They boast low sugar content, are devoid of stevia, and steer clear of sugar alcohols, artificial flavors, or preservatives.
With no added sugar engineered for peak performance. Crafted from over 50+ whole food nutrients & superfoods, these shakes boast 27 Essential Vitamins & Minerals, 25 grams of plant-based protein, and more fruits & veggies than your local farmer’s market.

Furthermore, our offerings encompass:
Full Spectrum Multivitamin & Mineral
Excellent Source of Vitamin D3 + K2
Excellent Source of Vitamin B12
Prebiotic Fiber, Probiotics & Digestive Enzymes
Packed with Organic Greens & Superfood Antioxidants With Lyfe Fuel Organic, you’re not just receiving a product; you’re embracing a holistic solution to elevate your performance and fortify your overall health objectives.